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An Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Manual Therapy Treatment with a New Zealand Approach

Function and power of the lower extremity is greatly influenced by the pelvis and core stability. This course equips the participant with the ability to assess pelvic dysfunction, both innominate and sacral and treat effectively using clinician friendly techniques. The course is a great adjunct to the New Zealand and syndrome approach to the lumbar spine. It carries on to assess and treat the ‘drivers’ and causes of hip, knee and ankle/foot dysfunction.

An orthopedic manual therapy approach is presented as an effective means of restoring normal, accessory and physiological movement to the joints. The foot, ankle, knee, hip and pelvis are assessed for hypo- and hyper-mobility and then treated accordingly. Clinically functional mobilization techniques are taught, including muscle energy, and mobilization with the introduction of other techniques that have been recently developed.

This is a very practical course for a clinician in the outpatient setting.


By completing the course the participant will be able to:

  • ·Assess the contributing factors of joint dysfunction
  • ·Assess primary and secondary joint dysfunction
  • ·Assess lower extremity dysfunction as a result of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex
  • ·Use quick and effective tests to determine which joint is involved
  • ·Determine if there is a lumbopelvic component
  • ·Treat effectively dysfunctions of the pelvis/sacrum
  • ·Treat effectively dysfunctions of the hip, knee and ankle/foot.
  • ·Advise the patient in home management
  • ·Identify contra-indications of treatment


Day One

07:15 Sign in and breakfast

08:00 Introduction to orthopedic manual therapy

09:00 Definition of the six syndromes of the lumbar spine and pelvis

09:50 Break

10:00 Presentations of pelvic/sacral dysfunction

10:30 Examination and testing of the lumbar spine, pelvis/sacrum and hip

12:00 Lunch (on own)

01:00 Treatment of sacral lesions, bilateral and torsions

03:00 Break

03:10 Treatment of the unstable pelvis

04:00 Treatment of lumbar derangement syndrome

05:00 End of day one

Day Two

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Foot, Knee, and hip interactions

09:00 Testing Hip and lower extremity endurance

09:50 Break

10:00 Hip assessment

10:30 Treatment of the hip

12:00 Lunch (on own)

12:30 Examination and treatment of the knee

01:30 Examination and treatment of the ankle and foot

02:30 Putting it all together

03:00 End of day two

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